February 15, 2024
We left St. George airport and had a layover in Phoenix. We ate lunch in the airport. We arrived in Miami Florida around 9 pm. We took a taxi to our hotel. We're in Miami for three days before the cruise.

February 16, 2024
We walked over to McDonalds for breakfast and to Target to pick up some things for the cruise. We hung out at the hotel and ate dinner here.

February 17, 2024
Cody and Stephanie stayed at another hotel. We took an Uber to South Beach. We walked around and hung out at the beach for awhile. We walked along the shops and ate lunch there. We met up with Cody and Stephanie and went to dinner at "Havana 1957" it was really good. We walked around for awhile. It was packed with people! 
Cody had a rental car so he took us back to our hotel. We all made another pitstop at Target again.

Huge kite festival

February 18, 2024
Happy Birthday Stephanie! She's 44 today! I got her some birthday cruise magnets to put on her cabin door. So cute! Cody got an Uber from his hotel and picked us up on the way to the port. We boarded the ship about 12:30. After we checked in and unpacked we checked out the boat, ate lunch and met up with Cody and Stephanie. It rained for awhile but stopped. We left port at 4:30 pm. No more rain but a bit cloudy. Kai got to call for her birthday from Brazil. It was good talking to him. We ate dinner together at the Sapphire restaurant.







February 19, 2024
We were at sea all night and all today. It was a bit cloudy but warm. We all slept in and enjoyed being lazy. We ate at the buffet and hung out at the pool most of the day with Cody and Stephanie. We ate dinner at the Sapphire restaurant again. Each night is a different menu. It was really good tonight. We went to a show called "Blankety blank" contestants filled in the blanks. It was entertaining but kinda stupid. Later we went to the show in the Palace Theater called "Invitation to dance." it was really good. We dock tomorrow in Puerto Plata Dominican Republic.  

Puerto Plata is the Dominican Republic's oldest Northern city. Nestled by the ocean with mountainous backdrop, the city offers a lively pier know as the Malecon, colorful shops, and opulent homes from the 1800's. The city is famous for "Parque Independencia", a park fringed by royal palms and Victorian architecture. Enjoy cable cars for sky high views, tours of local cacao farms, and some of the clearest amber in the world."  
February 20, 2014
We docked at 7am for our first onshore adventure! We met up with Cody and Steph again at 9am. It's handy we're on the same deck. We spent the day on the island, mostly at the pool. It was beautiful out! We walked around the city of Puerto Plata for a bit. It was cool seeing it. Got back on the boat and sat by the pool a bit. We showered and went to dinner. We watched an ice skating show. It was super good. Tomorrow we dock in Labadee Haiti.








February 21, 2024
We docked in Haiti. Mike didn't zipline but Steph, Cody and I did. It was so much fun. I almost lost my hat. Cody actually did but someone onshore saw it drop. Luckily it hit the sand and not the ocean.  He walked back down the beach and got it. It's so beautiful here. I walked back to the boat and grabbed Michael. We got something to eat and went back to the beach. We walked around the island and sat on the beach for a bit. We headed back to the boat. I laid out on the boat for awhile and read a book. It was so nice. Showered and went to dinner. After we went to a couple of shows and headed to bed. We are at sea all night and day heading back to Miami.                
















February 22, 2024
Went to breakfast and just enjoyed the pool area and eating. We went to dinner then went to some shows again. It was fun but we were tired.

February 23, 2023
Docked in Mami. We are staying overnight at the Marriott. Steph and Cody stayed at our hotel until they left for the airport. We hung out by the pool it was so beautiful out! Later Michael and I ate dinner at the hotel. We slept in, ate breakfast and headed to the airport. We flew into Phoenix and then onto St. George. We got home about midnight. We had a lot fun time!